Answers to FAQ’s about our custom benches

1) Recycled plastic boards have a 50 year plus life. Will not fade or rot. They are made from 99% recycled milk jugs. For every bench sold 540 milk jugs do not go into landfills.
2) We offer about 20 different colors. The 2nd question on the order form is what color do you want with a link below that shows all colors.
3) Your bench will ship UPS in 2 boxes. One with the recycled plastic boards and one with the frames. Assembly is simple. (20 Minutes) We supply all stainless steel hardware.
4) We offer 3 types of frames
Permanent Post: Made for inground mounting, you dig 2 holes & mount in ground permanently (Solid steel-Powder coated)
Free Standing: Can be secured to any existing surface or can sit alone (Solid steel-Powder coated)
Recycled Plastic: ($60 Additional) These are made from the same materials as the boards for your bench. These frames have a wider base and are designed to be movable. These can also be secured to any existing surface.
5) Benches are 5 ft long. We offer 6 ft for $150 additional. 6ft benches require an extra frame and the shipping cost is more.
6) We have been running 4-5 weeks out on delivery (UPS) for a couple of years now. If you need your bench by a certain date let us know and we will do our best.
7) We now offer epoxy filled letters. This helps your letters stand out better and give your bench a wow effect. You may choose any color you’d like for the epoxy filled letters. ($2 Additional per letter)
8) We can put almost any icon you’d like on your bench. Example: Crossed golf clubs, Dog head, Armed service logos, ETC. Icons without epoxy are $20 each. Icons with epoxy are $50 Each.
9) We offer laser engraved poly-plates. They last as long or longer than the recycled boards. We can put unlimited wording and/or logos, clipart, ETC. for $50.
You may also add a picture of your loved one to the laser engraved plate for $85 total
We can also create a QR code for you.
10) There are 3 boards on every bench that can be personalized
11) We use paypal as a platform so you can securely pay with your credit card of choice.